This is my second trip to Vancouver :) My first trip to Vancouver was last November, and I had a really good time. A good precedent was established with the first trip, thus giving me high expectations for this city. After touching down at the airport, I went to pick up my luggage, and I was met with a wall of carts (see photo below). When I first saw these carts, I was thinking, wow, how inviting! It reminded me of my football days when I was younger and made me think, if I want my bag on the conveyor on the other side, where's the weakest link and how can I get through! I did the more civil thing and just walked around, but at first I wasn't sure how I was going to approach it. After getting our bags, Theresa got her rental car (nice upgrade, a Volvo S40), she drove me to my hotel where I checked in and dropped off my bags. Theresa waited for me in the car and then we went to Kisha Poppo sushi. Last time I was in Vancouver, I had some pretty good sushi, but this was awesome! This was the biggest pieces of fish for the most affordable price and it was quite tasty and fresh! Check out the photo, the pieces of salmon and tuna were so big, I had a hard time eating it in one bite! Also note the IPhone in the pic, compared to the pieces, they were HUGE! I was quite impressed by this place, and since it's only about 2 blocks away from my hotel, I imagine I might drop in again, as it's well worth the short walk and a good deal on food!
Wall of carts:

In perspective with this shot, it's an IPhone in the upper right corner. Look at the size of the fish vs the IPhone! And the sushi in the photo is not just mine, Theresa ordered two of the plates and I had the plate closest to the bottom. I also had some gyoza before my sushi came :)