Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mmmm onion rings

Every once and awhile, I like to get onion rings. I find it's always a gamble, never sure if I'll like them as I am fussy about my rings! Tonight's option from Gabrielle Pizza and it was a win! When I saw that they were McCain onion rings, I figured I couldn't go wrong, and I was right! I've never been a big fan of the big thick onion rings that you sometimes get a steak houses, etc, I like them lean!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday afternoon assistant hard at work...

I decided to go for a little break and l left my assistant at my desk. As you'll see in the next photo, he's hard at work!

Here he is, the infamous assistant! He always seems to have a smile! I think that's why we get along so well :)

TGIF! I am happy that Friday is here and that this was a short week! I was a busy week, productive week, but glad it's almost done!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Soccer team (Captain Pony's Rainbow Squad) and beers...

Tonight, was my regular Thursday night soccer night with Captain Pony's Rainbow Squad. I joined the team just over a year ago. A friend suggested this team, and I joined and it's been a good year. Tonight we tied, it was a good game, we played well and like we do often, we go out for a celebratory drink at a local pub. I told the teammates that I was doing this blog and taking photos, so they suggested I take a photo of the team, there's a few guys and gals missing, but here's the most of us.

I also decided to take a few other pics, that I figured I would add as notables. Since we were having some beer, I figured I'd catch a neat shot of a beer glass and the last photo is an unexpected photo of a decoration in the bar. We noticed this oddity a few months back and since we had a new player on the team, I said did you see the small statues on the wall. Did you see how the men of Henry the VIII protected themselves. If you look closely at the picture, you'll understand everything. Kind of funny, but at least you know the men of the time knew how to protect the valuables!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter night, day 5...

It was a long day, wasn't sure what photo I would take. After the first upset of the evening, my team lost at vball. Some of the players decided we'd go to a bar, and I was happy with the idea, as I'd catch the rest of the Canadian vs Russia junior hockey game. This was yet another fiasco. We arrived in the middle of the 2nd, when the score was 2-0, and then it eventually went to 3-0, and then the third period came. The player's overconfidence, and Russia's desire to win made the table turn and quickly Russia tied the game, and then sealed the deal by putting up 2 extra points, to win it 5-2.

I was hoping that my photo was going to be a victory shot in the bar, however that was not the case. Instead, I put away my camera in the bar and figured I would get something else. This shot might seem a bit bizarre, but it's a camaro covered in a light dust of snow with only the shop light offering any light on the scene. There seems to be a blue hue at the top of the photo, that light comes from the street about sixty yards away.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year work, first day back in the office...

First day of work in 2011. I thought I'd share a little part of my work environment. This shot shows some of the excitement I get in the office. This is part of my view. It will change in a month as we are moving, but it's been a great view for the last 6 months.

There's a daycare in the building next to me, well we are all connected, and there's an elevated pad about 2 floors up, where the space has converted for the daycare, and another spot for employees to sit outside. The employee area doesn't seem to be getting a lot of use these days. However, the kids seems to like it just fine! It's nice to see the kids outside playing. Hearing the laughter and the crying, always seems to catch my attention. I will miss this when I move.

And to those who had heard that I was moving back to NB, after further consideration and much debate, I'm actually staying in Ottawa. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

3 days in...

This is how I feel today, very blah, and like a brick wall. I've had a lingering headache since I woke up. I took some Advil, doesn't seem to work. Anyways, this is a view in my backyard, figured it would work well for me today, really represents my frame of mind.

However, I really like the color and the fact that I have some industrial workplace next door. By industrial workplace, it's a welding shop.

Jan 2nd...

This is a new addition to the apartment, bought a room divider as I re-arranged the living room yesterday to take advantage of the space and to use my clothing drying rack, which is hidden behind the divider.

Amy, my roommate has pointed out that I should point out the "sexy tiger spread" on the sofa.