Friday, January 28, 2011

Goodbye 350 Albert...

Today was my last day in the office at 350 Albert, next week is a new office. Today's photos are partly to remember my office space, might look similar to photos a few days ago, except, I'm in one of the photos, and everything is now packed and ready to go to the new space.

I had not been there very long, but I will miss you, especially the view out the back window which has made a photo or two (the kids playing outside).


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Packing up: 1 more day before the move

Since today is the before last day in my office as we are moving down the street, I figured I'd capture a few images of the move and of my messy office as a way to remember this space which I have occupied for more than six months.

I decided to take a few angle shots and a shot down the aisle to show the moving boxes and the working environment.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Canadian tradition: pond hockey

I wasn't sure what photo I was going to take today. I went through my normal day, and there wasn't anything in particular that caught my attention, and after my volleyball game, I figured I'd go for a little ride up the street and thought I'd go for a little walk and take a few pics of the outdoor rink on Preston St, next to the Plant. This is definitely one of Canada's biggest tradition, to see people out on the pond, playing pickup hockey, hearing the laughter the calls, the puck hitting the boards, the skates grinding the ice, it's just a comforting feeling. Something that I consider to be truly Canadian!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Robbie Burns Day ~ Rebecca Blake Day

I had already posted my photo for today, however, after meeting with some friends to celebrate a good friend's birthday, I figured I had to put up a few more photos.

My good friend Rebecca was celebrating her birthday at the Royal Oak on Bank, and since it's also Robbie Burns Day, they were having a special on scotch, where you could taste a flight of half once portions, so I decided to try three different scotch's. The three scotch's where Oban, Dalwhinnie and Lagavulin.

I decided to drink them in the order of age, going from the youngest to the oldest and a friend at the table suggested I wait to drink the Lagavulin last which made sense for me as I'd start with the 14yrs, then go to 15yrs followed by the big and bold 16yrs which as it states on the sheet: "intense".

Sweet taste, almost a bit like apple cider tastingsmooth going down, good after taste that make your taste buds come alivestrong! an experience, something I wouldn't go first, but I imagine that MAYBE with time I could like

Dedication or craziness: winter cycling

Dedication or Craziness?!?!

This morning as I was waiting for the bus, I saw someone riding down the sidewalk and thought to myself, is this just craziness? It's currently -17C (0F) and with the wind -25C (-13F) and on top of that it's snowing and slippery outside. Again is this just craziness or dedication? I had posted about a week ago regarding a bicycle that I had noticed outside a gym where I play volleyball and though, this is just ridiculous, and again this morning I see another cyclist riding down the street with his white toque. Some people just surprise me, and it just happened to be my caption for today.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bitter COLD Monday...

Some of this week's photos will probably highlight some of the features from my office as our group is moving to another building. I hope to take some photos from my work environment as it will forever change, as I doubt I'll ever be in this office again.

Today's photo is called: empty playground. My window view as featured in a previous photo was the kids outside playing, however I doubt I'll be seeing kids out today. The weather is currently -29C (-20F) but even crazier with the windchill as it's currently -39C (-38F), which is very COLD!

Ottawa's large igloo's...

Another bitter cold day in Ottawa! Today's temperature was -29C (-20F) plus windchill which resulted in a VERY COLD -34C (-29F)! I wasn't sure what photo to take, then I passed by the big huts where skaters can put on their skates and go skating on the canal, or Dow's Lake. I didn't drive by earlier, but I imagine that there weren't that many skaters that braved the cold today. However, the large bubbles aren't like true igloos, as they are not very warm. Igloos surprisingly hold in a lot of heat as snow is a really good insulator. These are just made with some sort of tarp material and un-insulated. They are still nice as they provide a little bit of a wind break, and a place to sit down when putting on your skates. I haven't gone skating on the canal yet, but as soon as it's not -29C and the temperature becomes a bit more bearable, I imagine I'll go out for a nice little skate on the canal.