Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another night of gaming...

Tuesday night's I usually gather with a few other friends and play boardgames. A few months ago we decided to start a Descent - dungeon campaign. I have never played D&D, but this is supposedly partly similar as we play through dungeons, etc, but we do not dress up or anything in the like.
Sometimes there are some points of frustration, as you can see the fist on the table (joking, wasn't so frustrating, but made for a good shot). Even though, sometimes we do get frustrated with Stephane, as he's a sneaky dungeon master. I figured I would take few extra shots to show the various sides of the game, and to see how much space this game takes, even though I'm not showing all the extra pieces that can come into play, etc, I'm basically showing the main game area and on one shot, there's another piece which is the map.


  1. Tariq: not too complex, it's all about process, eg: each person does their steps of playing, moving, attacking, etc, then the dungeon master does his moving attacking, etc, and then you just re-start the process. There's sometimes a few snags, and things that happen that are un-expected, but generally those are the steps, and your goal is to clean out the dungeon and get to the final treasure.

    Jesse: We are always looking for extra players, if you'd be interested in coming out at some point, let me know.
