Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring growth

As I was walking to my front door, I noticed this in the front yard and had to take a photo. I've been living in this apartment for over 2 years, and each year I notice these tulips popping up. Last year they were cut as soon as the lawn cutting company came in and cut the grass. On an interesting note, yesterday I went for a walk around Dow's Lake and the tulips were just starting to come out of the ground compared (all I could see was some green stuff) to these which are already blooming (at least kind of blooming, they are proud and happy to be out!) These are the first flowers I've seen in the neighborhood. It's nice that they are in my front yard! :)


  1. Very beautiful, finally spring is here!! least it is in your yard :)

  2. Not sure it's truly here yet, but today was also a very nice day here :)
