Tonight I went over to Nadim's to play the patriarchy poker night (interesting way of calling it a boys night). This was his second attempt at bringing a bunch of guys together and having a night of fun. At his first attempt a month ago, most people had to cancel and thus cancelling the poker night. As for this evening, Nadim had no idea how many guys were going to show up. To his big surprise, we were 12 guys, and it was a great evening of laughter and fun. We played 2 tables of 6 players, and finally bringing the last 6 for a final table. At the beginning of the evening, I was almost the first guy out at my table. We all started with $20 worth of chips, and I was down to $3.50. I remained calm and started my comeback. The evening ended with me finishing on top! I was excited with the winnings as you can see in the photo. I figured I'd also share a couple of photos of the evening. Kudos to Paul for finishing second, at one point, I was sure he was going to win it all, but I came back from behind to clean up the house!
Here are the other players waiting to see who is going to win the big pot!

And here's good ole Phylroy with his special cup :)

Awesome time. A very special thanks to everyone for leaving vewy vewy quietwy, Elmer Fudd style, out of respect for the sleeping neighbours. great group of guys!