As we were driving back from Palmerston to Ottawa, we stopped in Belleville for a quick bite to eat. When we were leaving the city, I noticed this bumper sticker on the car in front of us, while stopped at a red light. It stated: "If you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them". After reading that statement, I felt the need to take a picture and use it for my blog post for today. I have family and friends that have served in the Canadian Forces, and I have family and friends that are currently active in the military, some even in Afghanistan now. I stand behind our troops 100%. I am humbled by their sacrifices and often think how lucky we are because of our Troops. On a side note, today was the last day for advance voting and I voted! Voting is a privilege that we have here in Canada, and if you haven't voted yet, please go vote on May 2nd. Think about what it means to vote, your vote counts! And if you don't vote, don't complain!